Tag Archives: Georgiana

Week 4: Updates and Weekly Inspiration x2


This is our weekly update!

Thanks for reading.

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Enviroment: Progress 2

Just kidding!

We went over film and audio techniques today. We’ll be filming for the first time on Saturday (either my grandfather or the Patchen Community Garden)! Ben and I are very excited.

So far, everyone we have met have been highly welcoming! And thus have encountered no problems!

Our goal for the video is to teach others the importance of urban gardening in relation to food and to inspire others to be involved.

Weekly Inspiration:

What are some challenges or difficulties you are facing as you begin production?

G: My only challenge is finding the time to film and balancing the externship with my final projects.

B: Pretty much the same! But I’m finishing school in a week and that will no longer be a problem!

How do you plan on tackling these challenges?

G: With lots and lots of planning. I’ll try to not procrastinate much. I have my days planned out for the next few weeks.

B: Planning!
What are you looking forward to working on? Is there a particular aspect of production you are especially excited about?

B: Interviews! And filming people! And what Georgiana says right after me!

G: I’m excited to visit some of the groups that we’ll be filming and see exactly what they do. I want to film!!! 😀